G-town (Jerusalem)

Workshop og konsert med palestinske G-Town og de norske hiphop-gruppene Two1Three, Skilz og rapperen Tofan fra The Planet


Konserten var del av musikkprogrammet under Viewing Palestine 2011, som preges av unge talenter. Programmet vil besto av ung ny musikk, tradisjonsmusikk og populærmusikk, og både gjestekonserter og samspill, musikalske møter og workshops med palestinske og norske musikere. På Rommen Scene møtte G-Town unge norske hiphopere, og holdt en hiphop-workshop etterfulgt av en konsert. Konserten hadde gratis inngang.

Gruppen Two1Three består av fem energiske ungdommer som har dans som en felles interesse. Dansegruppen har holdt sammen i over fem år og har blitt kåret til Norgesmestre i hiphop-battle to ganger, en gang verdensmestre i samme kategori, og har mottatt mange andre priser.

Skillz er en ny dansegruppe som er i startfasen, men danserne har masse erfaring fra The Planet.

Tofan er en 13 år gammel gutt fra Afghanistan som liker å bruker fritiden sin på musikk, og lager egne tekster og melodier. Han er kjent fra Norske Talenter, der han kom helt til semifinalen.

With the vast reach of the hip hop culture in Palestine, this widespread phenomenon attracted the attention of Muhammmed al-Moughrabi a young Palestinian refugee from Shu'fat refugee camp located in Jerusalem in the occupied Palestinian territory. He was deeply fond of this culture and waited too long to speak up and express his feelings and aspirations concerning the difficult circumstances of being a refugee in a creative way.

Thus, his dream was applied to the realm of reality in 2002 when he launched a hip hop group along with Fadi Amous under the name refugee of Jerusalem, G-Town, where G stands for Ghetto. They played the first beat of Hip Hop music and released their first album in 2007 with the name Dardakeh. They were the first to play hip hop music in Jerusalem and use this culture as a means to express the feeling of being a refugee and their sentiments towards their homeland, their enemies, the world and the Middle East in general.

One of their most well known songs was Sharq Awsat Jadeed (New Middle East). This song was known all over the world. G-Town can be taken as a great example of the success of the Hip hop culture in Palestine as its members have participated in many international festivals and tours, gotten a MTV award, produced video shows, and taken parts in documentary films, composing music, and having the privilege of making the soundtrack for an academy award Oscar nominated film.






14. september 2011

