Strategidokument TrAP

Hvordan gjøre kunstens fellesskap større
The first number in our series 10 investigations takes a closer look at the role of the migrant in our society. With contributors Bouchra Khalili, Deeyah Khan, Fadlabi, Faizrullah Muradi, Josef Yohannes, Kavar Singh, Maria Navarro Skaranger, Marie Skeie and Motaz Al Habbash, Nora Mehsen and Warsan Ismail.

10 undersøkelser: BABA
I år handler 10 undersøkelser om et av våre favorittemaer, nemlig kjærlighet!

10 undersøkelser: Kunstig intelligens

10 undersøkelser: Kjærlighet
I år handler 10 undersøkelser om et av våre favorittemaer, nemlig kjærlighet!

10 undersøkelser: Veien man velger
Hvorfor velger man veien inn til kunst- og kulturfeltet, til tross for at feltet ikke alltid er like tilgjengelig og inkluderende?

10 undersøkelser: Gentrifisering
Vi hører ofte om gentrifisering, men hvor ofte hører vi stemmene til de som opplever konsekvensen av gentrifisering?

10 undersøkelser: Lokal tilhørighet
Det fjerde nummeret 10 undersøkelser ser nærmere på tilhørighet i Oslo øst.

10 undersøkelser: Alle grenser er midlertidige
Nine authors from all around the world contribute in this science fiction magazine, which is the third edition in our 10 investigations series.

10 undersøkelser: Frihet i praksis
In this second edition of 10 Investigations we are exploring taboos, humor and other potential conflicts of freedom in a multicultural society.

10 undersøkelser: Migranten
The first number in our series 10 investigations takes a closer look at the role of the migrant in our society. With contributors Bouchra Khalili, Deeyah Khan, Fadlabi, Faizrullah Muradi, Josef Yohannes, Kavar Singh, Maria Navarro Skaranger, Marie Skeie and Motaz Al Habbash, Nora Mehsen and Warsan Ismail.

Bem-ti-vi, CD
An album with the legendary Brazilian musician Nelson da Rabeca (rabeca) and Rolf-Erik Nystrøm (alto- sopranino-, baritone saxophone), Celio de Carvalho (percussion) and Dona Benedita (vocals).

Mother Tongue, publikasjon
The six artists Nezaket Ekici, CANAN, Çağdaş Kahriman, Savas Boyraz, Işıl Eğrikavuk and Selda Asal have all been important contributors to the bustlingly exciting Turkish media art scene. The catalogue for the exhibition Mother Tongue is in English and Turkish, with texts by Övül Ö. Durmuşoğlu, Cem Bölüktaş, Ceren Erdem, Dr. Andreas Dammertz, Isin Önol, Hito Steyerl, Nefise Özkal Lorentsen and the curators Malin Barth and Brynjar Bjerkem.

Transcultural Flux, publikasjon
Exhibition catalogue for Transcultural Flux, with artists Adriana Bustos, Agnieszka Kurant, Ala Younis, Danica Dakić, Fayçal Baghriche, Ines Doujak & John Barker, Nevin Aladag og Walid Raad. With texts by Arjun Appadurai, Menene Gras Balaguer, Amin Maalouf, Cecilia Fajardo-Hill, Adriana Alves, Ala Younis, Verané Pina, Ines Doujak & John Barker, Adam Szymczyk, Walid Raad and curator Malin Barth.

Photophobia - Apichatpong Weerasethakul, publikasjon
Published for the exhibition Photophobia at the Stenersen Museum. Texts by Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Nach Widner, Chaisiri Jiwarangsan and Brynjar Bjerkem. Sold out in Norway. International distribution through Artbook.

Storytellers, publikasjon
Catalogue for the exhibition Storytellers, that was produced by TrAP. Texts by Mario Vargas Llosa, Selene Wendt, Gerardo Mosquera and Paco Barragán, and interview with Marilá Dardot and Cao Guimarães. Distributed by SKIRA.

A New Beginning, publikasjon
Published in relation to the exhibition A New Beginning with Farhad Kalantary at The Stenersen Museum. Texts by curator Selene Wendt, Andrej Slávik and Per Kvist.

Recycling the looking-glass: Trash art – Found objects, publikasjon
Catalogue for the exhibition Recycling the looking-glass / Trash art - Found objects. Texts by Trond Bogsnes, Leila Darabi, Kari J. Brandtzæg and Gérard Bertolini.

Lim Dim, publikasjon
Catalogue for the exhibition Lim Dim at The Stenersen Museum. Texts by curator Tran Luong and Joyce Fan.

Equatorial Rhythms, publikasjon
Catalogue for the exhibition Equatorial Rhythms at The Stenersen Museum. Texts by curator Selene Wendt, Olu Oguibe and Octavio Zaya.

grense_løs / bound_less, publikasjon
Catalogue for the exhibition grense_løs / bound_less, created in collaboration with the Stenersen Museum and Riksutstillingene. With text by Henry Meyric Hughes.

Meeting Point, publikasjon
Catalogue for the exhibition Meeting Point at the Stenersen Museum. Texts by Selene Wendt, Samir M'kadmi, Samira Jamouchi, Khaled D. Ramadan, Gavin Jantjes, Olfa Lamloum, Nadira Laggoune-Aklouche, Abderrahim Lamchichi, Raja Ben Slama og Jean-Louis Déotte.

Guayabita by AmeFrica, CD
Album produced by Tito Guevara and mixed by Jack Loveband, and created as part of the music project AmeFrica. The album, which includes a number of guest artists, was recorded at Urban Sound Studios. In distribution through CD Baby.

Equatorial Rhythms, CD
The album features Don Byron; Satch Hoyt; Neil Leonard with Ernesto Rodriguez; Stephen Vitiello; Eder Santos; Kristin Bergaust & Alexis Parra; Paulo Vivacqua; Vu Nhat Tan; Theo Eshetu with Sabina Meyer, Hans Koch, Paed Conca and Fabrizio Spera; Salem Mekuria; Guilherme Vaz; Heri Dono & Jompet and a sound collaboration by Christopher Cozier, Robin Foster, Sheldon Holder & Martin "Mice" Raymond. Full content here. Compiled by Brynjar Bjerkem, and released with the catalogue for the exhibition Equatorial Rhythms.

A Primal Spirit, CD
Album for A Primal Spirit with Celio de Carvalho, Diom De Kossa, Øivind Wang Tollefsen, Bård Gunnar Moe, Antonio Torner, Rob Waring and Tore Brunborg. Recorded in Fagerborg Studio by Per Sveinson, mixed by Øivind Wang Tollefsen and Bård Gunnar Moe and mastered by Morgan Nicolaysen / Lydmuren. Cover design by Gaaak.

2 worlds 1 struggle, CD
With Wagëblë, Minoritet1, Mørk Atmosfære, Ras Steven, Jas, Hugo Bo$$, Amina and Pumba. Produced by Rumblin' and recorded in the studio at X-Ray, Oslo, to accompany Wagëblë's Norway tour.

Golestan, CD
Golestan is a rare musical meeting point between Persian, Indian, Chinese and percussion and string instruments. With musicians Javid Afsari Rad (santour), Pejman Hadadi (tombak, daf), Xiaofeng Zhang (erhu), Linhong Li (pipa), Jai Shankar (tablas) and Rohini Sahajpal (sitar). Produced and mixed by Javid Afsari Rad and Svein Hansen.

Colomborama, publikasjon
Exhibition catalog for the art project, Colomborama. We wanted to bring the vibrant art scene in Bogotá to Oslo. We invited 30 artists and performers for four months of events, performances and concerts, including the four exhibitions Bogotápolis, Damn Right! - Norwegian Wood?, RE place / RE quest, El Bodegón Post-Mortem.

Materials for a makeshift shack
This publication followed the exhibition, El Bodegon - Post Mortem, presented at Dortmund Bodega as part of Colomborama.

TrAPs kulturmelding
What does the multicultural field hope to see in the coming white paper on culture? That was the topic for our annual dialogue meeting, where we launched our own alternative. Read TrAP's White Paper here.

Head(s), publikasjon
The dance performance Head(s) by and with Mia Habib was shown at RAS, Sandnes Kulturhus and Black Box teater, Oslo. We produced a catalogue to accompany the performance.

WE INSIST, publikasjon
Sound artist Jassem Hindi and dancers Rani Nair and Mia Habib went on a tour of the Nordic region with WE INSIST Nord. Through installations, improvisation and impressions, text and images, the trio have created a performance about identity and mobility. They wished to explore how individual, group and national identities are constantly changing, whether in Madagascar, Damascus, Hammerfest or Vadsø. This publication describes experiences from WE INSIST, and the process towards the Nordic tour.

Mer makt til mangfoldet, publikasjon
Through the project Styrende Mangfold (2010-2014) we organized courses and network meetings, and recruited professionals with a multicultural background to board rooms in the Norwegian cultural sector. When the project ended we released this publication on the current situation for diversity among decision-makers in the arts sector, and presented our views on how to move ahead (Norwegian only).

Plads i kulturen - betragtninger fra et mangfoldigt kunst- og kulturliv i Norden
TrAP is a partner in the Nordic network NFI, and we present a new report on the efforts to create a diverse and inclusive cultural life in the Nordic countries. The report is supported by Arts Council Norway and part of their project "Inkluderende kulturliv i Norden".