Den mangfoldige nasjonen: Kunsten og viljen til endring
Moderator Theodor Barth, professor, Oslo National Academy of the Arts – Design. Panel: Sissel Lillebostad (curator), Samir M'kadmi (artist and curator of In the National Museum's Blind Spot), Pierre Lionel Matte (artist). In collaboration with The National Museum
What role do art play in society? And what significance does the artist have in a democracy? A panel conversation followed by a guided walk through the exhibition In the National Museum's Blind Spot.
The panel "Art and the will to change" was part of a longer seminar, "Multitude Nation", hosted by the National Museum - The Museum of Contemporary Art.
June 5
Related projects
I Nasjonalmuseets blindsone
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Kunstfeltets uutholdelige skjevhet
A panel discussion where pluralism challenges consensus. TrAP and the National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design welcomes you to a discussion on diversity and consensus in Norwegian art institutions.
A gathering of the ar(c)t(ic) tribes II
Collaboration between TrAP, Nordland Fylkeskommune, RAM galleri, Rana Museum and The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design